It’s just one thing after another after another. The tales of government greed and stupidity weigh heavily on me. I find it interesting that in the same breath, homeland security is bringing on advisors from spyware.. oh sorry.. cough adwareContinue reading… Sigh…
Author: Joe
O'Reilly and Intelligent Design
We all know that I don’t like Bill O’Reilly. He’s a self-righteous ass. I had to deliberate on whether or not to post this because for most of the people who read my blog, this is hardly news. But oneContinue reading… O'Reilly and Intelligent Design
Saw and Stuff
Watched “Saw” last night. I’d rate it a 6.5. Acting was good but the story telling was pretty sub par. I didn’t find it even remotely scary or suspenseful, and the “twist” at the end isn’t something you can guessContinue reading… Saw and Stuff
Feelin a Little Spotty
Of course, when I got home last night, all of our weird network issues had resolved themselves. As far as I can tell, there was no DDOSing going on or anything silly like that. Probably just a flakey router somewhereContinue reading… Feelin a Little Spotty
Piper Down!
Looks like we had some pipe issues on the server earlier today. Both my box and the big swede’s were unavailable for a good chunk of the morning. Both seem fine now. Unfortunately investigation will have to wait until afterContinue reading… Piper Down!
So It's Been a Few Days.. So What?
Had an extremely fun, extremely painful weekend training with the very nice folks over at the California Warrior Quest Society under John Poliquin. We covered a lot of things that are waaaay beyond my current abilities, but it was aContinue reading… So It's Been a Few Days.. So What?
T-mobile Why Do You Hate Me?
I really want a smart phone. I passed on the treo 600. No bluetooth. I thought about a Scoble Phone. No Pocket Quicken and lousy mac support through third parties. No proper SSH client. Although I was sorely tempted. SoContinue reading… T-mobile Why Do You Hate Me?