So Kelli got offered a job at my current employer for a nice increase in bread and a lot of benefits she currently doesn’t get. Needless to say, she’s bailing on the dentist and movin’ on up. Don’t know ifContinue reading… Jobs and Stuff
Author: Joe
Mod Security and DBSL
Updated the server last night while feeling crappy and skipping out on martial arts. Installed mod_security (here’s why) and Jacques’ hacked DBSL plugin for Movable Type. While my blogs have been pretty spam free since moving to the new serverContinue reading… Mod Security and DBSL
Patch your MT installs
Update to 3.1.5 to prevent spamming from your domain. Unless you’re actively using it, delete mt-send-entry.cgi. Just good housekeeping. Links Are Up
I floundered around trying to get MTIncludePlus working so I would just include the URL when rebuilding the page, but that was a no go as OS X server doesn’t include LWP::useragent by default. When installing it with CPAN, IContinue reading… Links Are Up
Mac Mini Server and Other Goodness
The site is now running from the Mac mini and the speed has greatly increased over the 450 that was running the site previously. The mini is a very capable little machine and I’m suitably impressed. CGI execution is prettyContinue reading… Mac Mini Server and Other Goodness
This Week is Shaping Up
On Monday Kelli finds out she has some weird health issues. Today, Apple lost the last of its original Phoenix Mac Genius team due to some fun managerial issues. I won’t go into it here, but I’ll throw up aContinue reading… This Week is Shaping Up
Wishlist for AWstats
After using AWStats for a little over a week, here are the things I wish it had: CSV export. Most of my other complaints could be resolved by being able to open up the stats in excel or it’s ilk.Continue reading… Wishlist for AWstats