So, I did some experimenting. I started up FTP on Fluffy my RAID box, and did some tinkering. Transfering files to the server I was getting about 30mb/s. Not bad, but not great. I scratched my head for a littleContinue reading… Hurray … Kind of
The Learning Curve
So, Nic in his little post talks about how geeks are increasingly becoming infuriated with the great teaming masses of unwashed computer n00bs who are polluting the once pristine internet with their mindless viral spreading. At one point he mentionsContinue reading… The Learning Curve
Damn your eyes Samba
So last night was a busy one. Re-installed Fedora FC-1, installed 3 250mb drives and set them up in a test RAID which was easier than I thought. Created /mnt/raid, mke2fs, mount, and viola. B0rked my XFree86 install, ssh’d inContinue reading… Damn your eyes Samba
Bluetooth Headsets for iChat
Well, it’s been released. Bluetooth 1.5 from apple allows you to pair your jabra headset with your mac and use it with ichat. I’ve played around with it and it’s tre cool. If you’re just using it for iChat, itContinue reading… Bluetooth Headsets for iChat
Success is mine!
So, after some digging around, I found that I did indeed have a Promise ATA 100TX2 laying around (that’s what hoarding is for girlfriend!). I popped it in the box and redhat sees the drives like a champ. w00t! CancelledContinue reading… Success is mine!
On the way
After doing some research online, it looks like the Promise ATA100 TX2 will work all hunky dorey with no monkeying about in the 2.4.20 kernel. This will be a joy to me, as trying to get the onboard RAID driverContinue reading… On the way
It Has Begun
The RAID box has been built. Yes the case is cheap and shitty, but it does the job. I installed Fedora onto the box and that went pretty smoothly. One of my 250gb drives is in the hands of anotherContinue reading… It Has Begun