While tripping the light fantastic in Colorado, I noticed that the free WAP from T-mobile is now no longer working on my phone. I decided to check out some WAP services on my phone directly, and got the message encouragingContinue reading… Well Suck
Author: Joe
I'm dead bitch
Rick James is dead
Stuff and things
Comments has been fixed. You can now once again feel free to leave your witty invectives littering my site. It’s been broken, I’ve been lazy. Sorry about that. Tomorrow I leave for Colorado for 5 days to provide technical supportContinue reading… Stuff and things
Someone else for president
Great Esquire article from Ron Regan jr. Someone else for president
A weekend in Flagstaff
Spent the weekend up in Flagstaff, cavorting with Doug and crew. Did not get back until late sunday, and so did not get a chance to drop off goodies to The Big Swede. Sorry Big Swede. Friday night was spentContinue reading… A weekend in Flagstaff
More IQ
Went back and reviewed the test. There were a couple that I read wrong and did too fast (doing it at work, heh). Looks like the max score you can get from answering all the questions right is a 140.Continue reading… More IQ
IQ Action
While I was home, there was lots of talks of High School and IQ, and being a smart kid and all that stuff. Lots of fun. Anyway, while browsing around today, I came upon a crappy online IQ test. TheseContinue reading… IQ Action