This is an interesting page of letters from Philip K Dick to whoever it is that runs the page. It’s interesting to read his correspondence after reading a number of his books. For those who don’t know, Philip K DickContinue reading… Letters from Philip K Dick
Author: Joe
From the Airport
Taking advantage of T-Mobile’s unlimited internet to set up a little wireless network for the 3 traveling bloggers. This is mucho coolo. I’m still impressed by how easy it is to set up wireless through the phone and then shareContinue reading… From the Airport
Re-certified for no reason
Well, I went ahead and just took my re-cert for Apple Certified Desktop Technician. Since I am no longer working as a bench monkey, this is not really a requirement for me, but since it’s only $50 to re-certify, IContinue reading… Re-certified for no reason
Reunion Time
Tomorrow I head off to the 10 year high school reunion in Alaska. I’ll be using this opportunity to also travel around the state and take some pictures like my trip last September. I’m kind of dreading seeing a lotContinue reading… Reunion Time
The Face Torture is Complete
Today I headed to the dentist to have a few of the remaining filling replacements done. On a whim the dentist decided to do them all at once, which was fine with me. On a sadistic whim he decided toContinue reading… The Face Torture is Complete
Gore's latest speech.
Gore is a really smart guy. It’s tragic that he did not become president. Here’s a link to his latest speech. When you boil it all down to precisely what went wrong with the Bush Iraq policy, it is actuallyContinue reading… Gore's latest speech.
Geek Day
Last night, the main boot drive in fluffy decided to die. It was a 60 gig maxtor that was over 3 years old. I had just finished transfering some files to the RAID and my SSH session died. I thoughtContinue reading… Geek Day