Nothing like being secretly sterilized by your government while delivering a child caused by rape. This went on into the 70s. In fact, it ended one year before I was born. There was a chance my mom could have beenContinue reading… Trust Your Government
Category: Uncategorized
A Busy Week
This week has been pretty busy at work for a change. Pretty cool Got a whole bunch of camera gear in for a new thing we’re doing. Also ordered 3 new G5s today for our designers, which means I getContinue reading… A Busy Week
Must… Kill…
So this morning was really cool. Kelli woke me up about a million times between 6:30 and 7:30 breaking up the sleep schedule pretty badly. Then when I finally got back to sleep I woke up to find out thatContinue reading… Must… Kill…
oooo ooooo oooo
Making the Genius Bar Better
Seth Godin wrote up a little post on his web page talking about his experience at the genius bar and some things he’d like to see changed. As I spent almost 3 years behind the bar, I thought I wouldContinue reading… Making the Genius Bar Better
Feelin a Little Spotty
Of course, when I got home last night, all of our weird network issues had resolved themselves. As far as I can tell, there was no DDOSing going on or anything silly like that. Probably just a flakey router somewhereContinue reading… Feelin a Little Spotty
Just In Time
Ahh, 200 more referal spam attempts last night, all from our friends at fidelityfunding. One might ask why they keep hitting the site with referers when they are just getting 403 errors and there’s no way their domains are gettingContinue reading… Just In Time