As we roll into summer here in AZ, the sun not only gets a lot hotter, driving off the bluehairs and the college students, it also stays in the sky a much longer time. This morning I awoke to theContinue reading… Here Comes the Sun
Category: Personal
I am a Boring Person
Okay, so it’s been a bit and I’ve been pretty busy. W00t Helped doug move over 3 days last weekend while he’s engaged in the unfortunately clichéd custody struggle with the ex girlfriend who as also unfortunately gone completely bonkers.Continue reading… I am a Boring Person
What the Ramtha do we know?
So everyone and their mom is pooping themselves, saying how great “What the #$*! Do We Know!?” is. I have personally avoided the film knowing they take people like John Hagelin seriously. While he’s held up as a brilliant physicist,Continue reading… What the Ramtha do we know?
Yammering of Another Sort
Spent the majority of last weekend up in Flagstaff for Doug and Brindi’s baby shower. Got to see a couple of friends I haven’t seen in a while which was very cool. Had my To-Shin Do promotion Friday, which wasContinue reading… Yammering of Another Sort
A Laid Back Weekend
Ahh.. it was a good weekend. On Friday, Kelli, Brandi and I went out to a little club in Scottsdale called The Devil’s Martini. I was wearing shorts, and as we pulled up into the parking lot, it dawned onContinue reading… A Laid Back Weekend
Another Sheriff Joe Antic
Some of the comments on this Fark post about Sheriff Joe’s latest publicity stunt are awesome.
Provoking the Bull
So a Norwegian Pentecostal preacher decides it would be fun to call Mohammed a pedophile. Preacher then receives death threat. Great. Anti-muslim sentiment is already sky high in Scandinavia due to the murder of Theo Van Gogh, and it looksContinue reading… Provoking the Bull