A Laid Back Weekend

Ahh.. it was a good weekend.

On Friday, Kelli, Brandi and I went out to a little club in Scottsdale called The Devil’s Martini. I was wearing shorts, and as we pulled up into the parking lot, it dawned on me that they might have a dress code. Indeed they did and we got to run home so that I could change into my preppy tool uniform.

Saturday saw some ninja action with a sword seminar at the dojo. Much fun was had by all. I spent the rest of the day playing around with the new Mac OS, Tiger. Good Times. We also rented Anchorman, which was okay.

Sunday was lounge around the house day doing absolutely nothing. For the first time in a long time, we had no visitors, no obligations, just hanging out and relaxing. This is good.

This coming Friday is once again promotion time at El Dojo Loco and I’ll be moving along into blue belt. Unfortunately no demonstrations for me on this one. Seems like I’ve been at my current belt for a while. Got to play around with Shinden Fudo Ryu this week in Shadows of Iga. That was a lot of fun.

Sold my first print today, the the possibility of a few more. Kelli was a lot more excited about this than I was. But it is pretty cool. Someday I will get off my ass and actually try to sell prints for real. Realized that I need a good online gallery for my stuff.

The new Ecto is looking pretty cool.

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