I’ve been kicking around the idea for a while of coming in to work a little bit earlier and having more time after work to get stuff done. I’ve been hesitant to do it however because I am a naturalContinue reading… Working
Category: Personal
What did I do this weekend? Nothing
So this was the most chill weekend I’ve had in a long time. Got to hang out with Doug and Nikki on Saturday and play some pool. Watched “Sideways” and “Scarecrow Gone Wild”. I did manage to get my WordPressContinue reading… What did I do this weekend? Nothing
WordPress Pages
Did some more looking into WordPress’s pages feature. Looks like this will fulfill most of my requirements. Individual pictures go into posts, and portfolios are pages. This is a good thing. Now, getting ecto to talk to pages….
Busy Couple of Months
So the coming months promise lots of excitement. I’m going to be doing quite a bit of traveling. Here’s the plans so far: July 22-24: In Forest Lakes for To-Shin Do campout August 10-15th: In Colorado for Work Commitment AugustContinue reading… Busy Couple of Months
A loooong weekend
Managed to snag 4 days off this weekend. Here’s the synopsis: Friday: Chilled at home working on stuff, in the evening we headed out to the club and a good time was had by all. Hit up ye olde foodContinue reading… A loooong weekend
Looks like one the 300GB seagate drives I have is probably bad. Unfortunately it was my boot drive. But, being the good computer geek I am I have a backup from 2 days ago. Pulled the drive, slapped in aContinue reading… Ouch
The Biz
Got my first print up on ebay. Not really expecting much from it, as it was a quick posting to get a feel for it. I really need to design some HTML for the postings, and when I get theContinue reading… The Biz