So the coming months promise lots of excitement. I’m going to be doing quite a bit of traveling. Here’s the plans so far:
July 22-24: In Forest Lakes for To-Shin Do campout August 10-15th: In Colorado for Work Commitment August 20-27th: In Idaho for Fusus Reading Week September 9-11: In Ohio for To-Shin Do Festival September 19-21: Possible Photo trip to Alaska
Don’t know for sure about the Alaska trip as I may just save the money and put it towards photo equipment. Doug expressed some interest in going, which would be super cool as he’s never been to Alaska.
October is once again chill and everything slows back down. This will be good. While I enjoy traveling, I have a really hard time sleeping away from home in general and it catches up with me quickly. And while I’m a pretty social person, at heart I am an introvert and need time alone in my own space to feel recharged.