While at the conference, there was a photographer walking around with a Nikon D1x, and an insanely high powered flash. Well those D1xs have a really loud mirror slap. But strangely enough, when I was hearing the camera fire, IContinue reading… Strangely Enough
Category: Personal
Photos and Stuff
Okay, I got some images up yesterday on Flickr. Mostly stuff from the recent excursion to Surprise, Globe and Miami. I’m going to include a little Flickr feed here as soon as I can find a plugin for Movable Type.Continue reading… Photos and Stuff
It's Amazing
10 hours of sleep will actually make you feel human again. What a novel idea.
Falling Down
So, strange thing today. While talking with someone, another person from our department came up and had and was swollen and had stitches in her jaw. She had a benign tumor removed over the weekend, and thought the swelling wouldContinue reading… Falling Down
Sleep what?
So I’m on another one of my no sleep jags. It’s pretty awesome. Went to bed at 9:30 last night in hopes of getting my body to actually sleep and make up for the last few days. I was stillContinue reading… Sleep what?
My Friends are Lame
Well, here I am at 8am… what’s so great about this again? Anyway. So what I didn’t mention in my last post is that I was supposed to be participating in a little BBQ action with the Big Swede andContinue reading… My Friends are Lame
Busy and Lazy
Well this has been my last chill out weekend for a month. My next 2 weekends will be spent in martial arts training, and after that I will be heading to Colorado for work. This makes me kind of sad.Continue reading… Busy and Lazy