So, I was driving to work today, looking up at the blue sky and thinking, “it’s too bad monsoon season is over, it would be nice if we had some rain.” Lo and behold, 5 hours later, it’s raining likeContinue reading… Rainmaker
Category: Uncategorized
We're all victims
So, Cox communications, my local cable provider is in a pissing match with ESPN over Cox wanting to move ESPN out of basic cable. Cox claims that ESPN has hiking up it’s prices over the last 5 years to crazyContinue reading… We're all victims
Okay, there’s the blogroll. So cleverly developed by It was only moderately painful to set up and should offer some fun link tracking. Moveable type is starting to grow on me. It’s kind of like a fungus in thatContinue reading… Blogroll
iCal and it's fancy alerts
So, I figured I would bust some little stuff out today since I spent most of the day lollygagging with The Big Swede. There was much discussing of technology and the lousy state of the market, but it gave meContinue reading… iCal and it's fancy alerts
T610 Review
The Phone: It’s about the same size and weight as my T68i. Which is to say, it’s light and small. This is a good thing. It’s a nice silver and black affair that looks very classy. The screen takes upContinue reading… T610 Review
w3rkin for the man
Well, black friday is now over and the craziness is in full swing. We have been very busy as of late. My next days off are Monday and Tuesday, and I plan on getting out and doing some shooting toContinue reading… w3rkin for the man
New Phones are Fun
So I went out and bought myself a new phone for my birthday. The Sony Ericsson T610. This phone rocks in numerous ways. I will list but a few: 128×128 screen for jpg goodness polyphonic ring tones that use standardContinue reading… New Phones are Fun