Looks like a Bush impeachment is becoming more and more likely
Good old fashioned bestiality in Mesa
Good old fashioned bestiality in Mesa
Here comes Roe v. Wade part II
South Dakota has passed a law making most abortions illegal in the state in a bid to push the issue back up to the supreme court. State lawmakers, and one must assume conservative christian politicians are hoping that the appointmentsContinue reading… Here comes Roe v. Wade part II
All Antsy in the Pantsy
Recently I’ve been getting really twitchy. You see, I’m the kind of person who needs new computers every 8-12 months. Not from a purely technological standpoint, as my machines are fast enough for what I do. There’s just a feelingContinue reading… All Antsy in the Pantsy
Crazy days. I’m now officially a green-white belt in To-Shin Do, which means I have 5 belts left (out of 15) until black belt. I’m not super jazzed about the level 3 schedule as I only have 3 opportunities forContinue reading… Overwraught
Been a little while since the last post, so here’s the rundown. Bryan and I went up to shoot Oak Creek in Sedona last Saturday. While the weather report claimed it would be cloudy, there were almost no clouds toContinue reading… Braindump
Relentless Arithmetic
Good paper on money management and the market