Today was very busy. We covered a lot of topics, and jumped right in. Today we did 3 out of 14 chapters in the training manual. We first did installation and setup of both our servers and our clients, aContinue reading… Apple Training Day 1
Author: Joe
Live from DNA Lounge
I got to my hotel and figured, hey, San Fran is only 40 miles from here. Let’s see what DNA Lounge is all about. For those who don’t know. DNA Lounge is run by jwz who has a pretty interestingContinue reading… Live from DNA Lounge
From the Airport
Just a tip for travelers flying out of Sky Harbor Airport in Phoenix on a sunday. You don’t need to come 2 hours early. Not even close. I now have over an hour and a half to kill before myContinue reading… From the Airport
Feed List Comparison
While sorting and pruning my subscriptions list in NetNewsWire to prepare for my week at training, I thought, “you know it sure would be nice to have the ability to compare my feed list to others, so that you couldContinue reading… Feed List Comparison
Well, this Sunday I will be heading out to Cupertino to take the System Administration Using Mac OS X Server course. If you live in Cupertino and want to hang out, drop me a line by clicking the e-mail linkContinue reading… Training
Computing and humanity
Chris Shipley recently wrote about “human computing” on his blog. It’s a decent little piece about projecting computing use into the future, and how it will affect humans. One paragraph struck me in particular: It is not enough to makeContinue reading… Computing and humanity
MT market research after the fact
So Mena over at Sixapart has posted an entry asking MT users to post how they use MT, and trackback to her post. Sixapart is doing this to gather information “…on scenarios that can help shape changes in the licensing”Continue reading… MT market research after the fact