While watching Real Time with Bill Maher, a huge issue that was brought up during the course of the show, and an issue that seems to be coming up in general is the idea that the religious right is tiredContinue reading… Religion and the Right
Author: Joe
Movable Type 3
Updated to Movable Type 3 and comments are now re-activated. We’ll see if this helps with the spam problems. I like the user interface improvements, and it looks like there’s a lot of nice additions. We’ll see how it worksContinue reading… Movable Type 3
Gay Marriage and Morals
If you’re like me, you probably scratched your head a little bit when it was declared that “moral issues” were the most important issue for this election. I understand that in the context of Clinton getting head in the ovalContinue reading… Gay Marriage and Morals
Proposed Voting Requirements
People in the US are allowed to vote simply by being a US citizen, registering to vote, and showing up. I think the bar should be a little higher for voting as it carries with it such large responsibility. Civics.Continue reading… Proposed Voting Requirements
Update on Life
I really like the new crib. I like Scottsdale. Got the cable up and running, the Xbox streaming from the office, and all is well. I’ve been doing a lot of running around this week, and the weekend doesn’t promiseContinue reading… Update on Life
Comments and Spam
So last night and today some son of a bitch has decided to hit me with almost 100 comment spams on this blog. I’ve turned off comments on posts older than 5 days, but for some reason, he still seemsContinue reading… Comments and Spam
Closing Comments
Later today I plan on closing comments on older entries. The comment spam issue has gotten so bad that MT-Blacklist is not catching a lot of stuff and I find myself killing 2-3 spams a day manually. I’m not happyContinue reading… Closing Comments