Okay, I know I’m a broken record, but once we can secure more genuine Japanese A5 wagyu ribeyes, Kelli and I aim to break our friends brains. We ate the second Christmas steak today and literally spent hours talking aboutContinue reading… Wagyu is nonsense food
Author: Joe
I drafted a much longer post but I will leave it at this: as more information emerges it’s clear that this was a very real, albeit very incompetent, coup attempt by Trump, his political cronies and supporters. Everyone should beContinue reading… Insurrection
If you would have told me five years ago that I’d be applying for national marketing campaign awards I would not have believed you.
Maybe Next Year 2008
Since so few people have seen this glorious artifact of our past… here is our parents’ why-don’t-you-get-married-torture card from 2008. Good times
Guys, this will kill you
Interesting scene today while picking up prescriptions at my local CVS. They have started drive up testing, which is amazing. They were putting test people in the left lane, prescription people in the right. When I got there, the testContinue reading… Guys, this will kill you
Let’s fight ACB
Remember when the Dems said they were going to fight tooth and nail to prevent the confirmation of ACB? “Nothing is off the table” they said. Remember this when and or if Biden wins. “Nothing” was apparently the only thingContinue reading… Let’s fight ACB
A Trip Up North
This last month or so has been particularly stressful (as I’m sure everyone feels), and I haven’t been focusing enough on recharging and relieving that stress for myself. So this weekend was Flagstaff, disc-golf, photography, alone-time and lots of naps.Continue reading… A Trip Up North