Tired in my Soul

Sore All Over
It’s now been 8 straight days of training in the To-Shin Do, and my body is feeling it. Last night the muscles in my neck were freaking out, and by the end of the night, my leg muscles were ready to give out. Tonight I will be taking a night off. Body recovery time is a good thing.

Blasted Sun
We have reached that time of year when the sun is now coming up at 6am and ruining my sleep. Tonight, the windows in the bedroom get blacked out. It’s amazing how much it helps.

Money Matters
In the course of implementing the monthly budget, I’m finding myself spending much less money, and in general making far less transactions. This is good. I’ve also reduced the number of monthly bills, and set them up with auto pay. This means way less activity to keep track of in Quicken and less worrying. Funny thing is, it feels like I’ve dropped off a cliff

The volume of things I need to keep track of has essentially fallen off to zero, and it’s like having a month of very busy days at work, and then suddenly 2 weeks of no work at all. You wonder if you’re missing something.

But nope. It’s really just gotten a lot simpler. it’s just going to take a couple of months for my brain to adjust.

High Gear
This month is going to be a heavy one at work as we crush through a lot of the implementation work of my project. This could be a very good thing, with the main body of our work done within the next two months. But I expect my posting frequency to be low.

Just got my StrongSpace account activated from my lifetime hosting deal. I’m pretty stoked about it as I’m going to start a nice little rsync offsite backup routine with my 9 gigs of space. That might be something to start working on this weekend while I’m traveling.

Web Work
One of these days I’m going to get WordPress updated on all of my sites. When that might be I dont’ know. But one day.

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