I Love Slashdot

It’s so great that one day you have people railing against the RIAA and the next, tearing apart misunderstood physics.

Great post:

In english, The photon is not a point, only when it hits something does it act like a point, as it only hits one point. A photon is a weird fuzzy thing that is mostly here, and partly here and over there, but a little bit everywhere else. It interferes with itself because it squeezed through both holes, and because it squished itself through both holes, it’s shape (places where it mostly and partly was) changed, and so there are some places that it is more likely to hit, and some places that it can’t hit.



Re:Idiots (Score:5, Funny) by Concerned Onlooker (473481) on Friday May 14, @03:43AM (#9148707) (Last Journal: Saturday March 20, @01:52AM) This is NOT proof of a paralell universe, it’s proof that light travels as a wave as well as a particle. Well, whatever. All I know is that when I tried it my cat died…. Re:Idiots (Score:5, Funny) by AvantLegion (595806) on Friday May 14, @04:01AM (#9148787) (Last Journal: Sunday January 11, @04:55AM) Well, whatever. All I know is that when I tried it my cat died…. Are you sure?

Listening To: “Black Tie White Noise” by David Bowie