Well, in a few short hours, I will have moderated four focus groups for some of our internal people. Two more to go next week. I was telling Kelli last night that it has been almost two months of arrangingContinue reading… I'm a moderator
Category: Personal
the DSL
Interestingly enough, it turns out that the wall plate for the phone in the office was painted – on the inside. Yep, inside. Also, for good measure, one of the wires on the DSL line was clipped. So new wallContinue reading… the DSL
Live From the New Crib
If you’re seeing this entry, you’re getting the page from the new condo location. We were down for roughly 24 hours, and I hope none of you were suffering withdrawals. The DSL here is currently clocking in with only 512Kb/secContinue reading… Live From the New Crib
mmmm dreams
So last night was pretty awesome as far as dreams are concerned. I dreamt that I was having an acrobatic swordfight with a samurai demon in a cabin out in the woods, and while he was hard to kill, IContinue reading… mmmm dreams
Hanging Out
Yesterday I had lunch with one of our bigwig VPs at work to congratulate me for a presentation I gave around the project I’m on. I’m guessing this is a good sign. We’ve hit some big milestones in the project,Continue reading… Hanging Out
A Plethora of Updates
We got the condo! We’re moving the weekend of the 27th. w00t. It still kills me that we have to move, but the money saved, and being closer to work are both big plusses. This makes me happy. Got myContinue reading… A Plethora of Updates
Saving on Rent and Raises
Given the large percentage of taxes taken out of our paychecks each month, I find it interesting to look at things from a pre-tax and post-tax dollar point of view. I’ve been looking at the whole raise thing recently andContinue reading… Saving on Rent and Raises