Looks like Rumsfeld’s flippant bullshit comments to the troops may put a dent in his armor. His own party is turning on him like sharks smelling blood. I mean when Trent Fucking Lott is calling you on your shit, you’reContinue reading… The Sharks Are Circling
Author: Joe
Traffic School and Accidents
Completed traffic school on Saturday. I decided to go with Trafficschoolonline.com to meet my requirements. I was really excited about this at first as I wouldn’t have to physically attend a class and could do everything from home. But thereContinue reading… Traffic School and Accidents
Kicking ass, turning down jobs
A rare Thursday update, hurray! Next friday is my next To-Shin Do promotion to the last belt in level one. I’ve been really happy with the art and my progress so far. Got the offer from that other company andContinue reading… Kicking ass, turning down jobs
Read This
It’s long, and it’s about medical practice, but I think the attitudes of the doctors in the article could really help people deal with a lot of their situations in life. I’ve been thinking about applying this attitude to martialContinue reading… Read This
The Phoenix PD Beatdown
While the suspect in this case did something truly reprehensible, i.e. carjacking a pregnant woman, the actions of the Phoenix police were way out of line. Beating the crap out of handcuffed suspects is not cool. Force said the officersContinue reading… The Phoenix PD Beatdown
One Third of People Don't Belive Evolution is Supported by Evidence
Read the sad statistics here. Thank you Gallup for eroding my dwindling faith in humanity even further. To that 35% I humbly beg you: read a book or two besides the bible. Thanks.
Weekend Update
On a kind of spur of the moment thing, Destrukto and I are heading out to Laughlin, Neveda for the weekend to hang out with her mom and grandma. So if you’re looking for us, that’s where we’ll be. FinishedContinue reading… Weekend Update