Zeldman has rolled over into another new design. It’s very pretty. I’m working on a little fun thing. I’m trying to redesign As the Apple Turns with CSS and XHTML. Not doing this at their request mind you, just forContinue reading… Redesign
Author: Joe
Long time no blog
So, there has been much development going on in my little world. SSP2 is now mostly up and running at techgoesboom. SSP1 is now back underway. SSP3 which is kind of tied up in SSP1 is also beginning development. YouContinue reading… Long time no blog
Gotta love Movable Type
Archives are all moved to future friendly linkage. You now have permalinks next to the title and category listings which link to archives. Making progress over here.
More styles action
The new style has propagated out to almost all the pages. So things should be looking a lot more consistent and happy. Let me know if you see anything crazy. Listening To: “Dead Cities” by Future Sound of London
The Day is Mine!
After much toil and effort on my part, I have moved up in the world. I am now the #2 search result for “joe mullins” on google, A9 and yahoo. I’m pretty sure it’s because I changed the title ofContinue reading… The Day is Mine!
But Still,
While trying to post the code for the iTunes links, I had to drop the code into a text editor and do a find and replace for the > and < tags. It would be nice if Ecto had aContinue reading… But Still,
New iTunes link string for Ecto
Here’s the new iTunes link code for Ecto and Kung Log. Adds the iTunes button as well as a title tag so that people know what they’re getting into when clicking the link. Enjoy. <strong>Listening To: </strong>”^a” by ^p <aContinue reading… New iTunes link string for Ecto