I know I need to post more often, but the pace of work has gotten pretty hectic recently, so I’ve been slacking. Here’s some updates: Last week I hopped over to Florida for a conference on linking customer feedback toContinue reading… More Oftener
Category: Uncategorized
A name redeemed
I hated the first Dungeons and Dragons movie. Hated it. I saw it at the theater and tried to get my money back (no luck). Rotten Tomatoes backs me up in a big way. So it was with much trepidationContinue reading… A name redeemed
I'm more interesting
I don’t know how or why it works, but here’s one more photo that made it into interesting recently.
Who's really supporting our troops?
Who’s really supporting our troops? Republicans or Democrats? I’ll bet you can guess.
Let there be light!
I recently bought a desktop Ott-Lite for proofing prints, and have really enjoyed it. Since then, I’ve been getting more an more annoyed with the color of light coming out of my normal lighting in the office, which was comingContinue reading… Let there be light!
Time for a new polarizer
Welp, I managed to get the filter free of smudges. This is a good thing. I decided that testing was in order to make sure. So I shot my resolution chart to take a look. One shot with the polarizer,Continue reading… Time for a new polarizer
The Gigantic Update
Lots of stuff since the last update, so lets get right down to it. Colorado The trip to colorado went very well, and involved a portrait of about 30 people that I needed to light. Having never lit a groupContinue reading… The Gigantic Update