Chris Shipley recently wrote about “human computing” on his blog. It’s a decent little piece about projecting computing use into the future, and how it will affect humans. One paragraph struck me in particular: It is not enough to makeContinue reading… Computing and humanity
Category: Technology
MT market research after the fact
So Mena over at Sixapart has posted an entry asking MT users to post how they use MT, and trackback to her post. Sixapart is doing this to gather information “…on scenarios that can help shape changes in the licensing”Continue reading… MT market research after the fact
Jumped the Slashdot
Nic and I were talking over the weekend about a number of things, one of them being Slashdot. I don’t remember how it got started but I was saying that it really had seemed that Slashdot has jumped the shark.Continue reading… Jumped the Slashdot
Someday I too will have a petabox
Check out the beasts that the is putting together to deal with their storage and computing demands. One day, I will own such a thing. And all will be well.
Cox PVR sadness
Here in Phoenix, Cox offers the Scientific Atlanta Explorer 8000 as their PVR set top box. Your only other option for PVR is to use something like a tivo and have it use an IR remote to change the channels.Continue reading… Cox PVR sadness
Edit This Link Movable Type cgi-bin Madness
Recently I decided to add some front end editing tags for MT, so that authors on the MT installs I maintain can just click on a link and be taken to the edit screen within Movable Type. This is veryContinue reading… Edit This Link Movable Type cgi-bin Madness
The Movable Type Shitstorm
So Movable Type 3 is out, and there are a lot of unhappy campers out there. Main complaints: Too expensive for no real updates. There’s also a lot of “making money off of volunteer labor pool” kinda comments. Witness theContinue reading… The Movable Type Shitstorm