The other day was sort of a milestone for me. My 2004 Honda was the first car I ever bought new. In retrospect, I would not buy a new car again, just for the depreciation hit alone, but it’s beenContinue reading… Paid For
I watched “An Inconvenient Truth” this weekend, and afterwards, wanted to watch it again. I had seen an earlier version of Gore’s slideshow from a TED conference, so I was familiar with what he was going to say, but IContinue reading… Inconvenient
It's not that I don't love you anymore…
Well okay! It’s been a while since having an update on the Joe-man so here we go. Before the holidays I was feeling pretty nuked, and ready to just disappear for a while. So I took 2 weeks off atContinue reading… It's not that I don't love you anymore…
Life comes at you fast
It’s been about a year and a half since I last went to see my eye doctor, and I figured it was about time. So I called up to make an appointment. Someone answered the phone with a different nameContinue reading… Life comes at you fast
Fun Article on Free Will
Do you have free will or not?
Stability in Iraq depends on spreading the word of christ
Another good example of why church and state need to be separate. Apparently congressman Robin Hayes believes that the war in Iraq is a repeat of the crusades: “Stability in Iraq ultimately depends on spreading the message of Jesus Christ,Continue reading… Stability in Iraq depends on spreading the word of christ
A name redeemed
I hated the first Dungeons and Dragons movie. Hated it. I saw it at the theater and tried to get my money back (no luck). Rotten Tomatoes backs me up in a big way. So it was with much trepidationContinue reading… A name redeemed