Knitting for psychos! This is just awesome.
Category: Asides
Great Interview with Sam Harris
Great interview with Sam Harris on why religion must end. “Either you can be held hostage by the human conversation that occurred 2,000 years ago and has been enshrined in these books, or you can be open to the humanContinue reading… Great Interview with Sam Harris
Was the 2004 Election Stolen?
Was the 2004 Election Stolen? Probably. How strange that most irregularities showed up in hotly contested states. How weird that almost all irregularities favor Bush. The state of our electoral process is fucked.
Bad News
Bad news for everyone in the world. The CIA can kidnap you and torture you for 5 months regardless of your citizenship, or where you currently are in the world. And there’s not a goddamned thing you can do aboutContinue reading… Bad News
Arrest those drunks
Texas police have started arresting drunk people in bars. Sounds like the commissioner would like to return to prohibition.
Cool use of motion sensors
Useful? I don’t know. Cool as hell? Yes. SMSRotateD will rotate your screen as you rotate your powerbook physically.
Looks like a Bush impeachment is becoming more likely
Looks like a Bush impeachment is becoming more and more likely