The Uniqueness of Humans: Find 40 minutes to watch this. It’s great.
Category: Asides
Accelerating Expansion of the Universe or is Time Just Slowing Down?
Interesting new theory on the speedup of the expansion of the universe.
Die Flash Die!
Click to Flash
Healthcare Costs
What’s driving up healthcare costs? Big Surprise here: greedy doctors.
Waterboarding really is torture
Forum post by republican toughguy who tried out waterboarding. Turns out it’s torture!
Your brain is telling you a story
Our brains lie to us to create a sense of self. If you’re not already subscribed to Jonah’s blog, I recommend you do.
How bad are things for banks?
How bad are things for banks? Pretty much anyone who played in the sub-prime mortgage game is in really bad shape. Triple A rated CDOs are worth anywhere from 32% of their face value to 5% of their face valueContinue reading… How bad are things for banks?